So, if you've got an ED (with the exception of COE, probably) this blog will freak you out: Big Fat Blog. It's a "Fat Acceptance" blog. The author probably feels about me like I feel about him--ewwww. While I have no problem with fat people per se, I do have a problem with the general "I want to have my cake and eat it too" mentality. That is, if you are going to "live life to the fullest" and to have that second helping of cake, then you need to be prepared to order your clothes online because you are too fat to find clothes in the stores.
Fat acceptance advocates say that it's possible to be healthy and overweight, or even obese. Perhaps somewhere in America there is a 5'4'' 260 lb yoga instructor that can run the mile in half the time that I can. Surely she must exist. Yet she is certainly in the minority. I hate the "fat and healthy" excuse for disbelieving in things like a height-weight chart or a BMI calculation. Fine. There are some people who are fat and healthy. That does not hold true for the majority of fat Americans.
I think the bottom line is that I work damn hard to stay small in our incredibly toxic environment. That's my choice to work against the tide. If you want to live the standard American lifestyle, that's your choice, but you will never convince me that's "normal" or "healthy." F*ck political correctness. Americans are getting fatter, if you say the obesity epidemic is a myth you're in denial, and if you say that there isn't a connection between obesity and diabetes and heart disease then you're a lunatic. When it comes down to it, the human body was designed to function like a machine. If you can't walk easily, then you are not functioning correctly.
On a personal note, there are several morbidly obese people in my family, and this definitely influences my opinions about fat. Sitting at a family dinner and listening to my aunt bitch about her weight as she helps herself to a second helping makes me want to scream. You can't have it both ways.
[/end rant]
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