Monday, July 24, 2006


Finally getting back on track, thank God. It's such a relief. I went to the gym for the first time in a while... first my brain was all sorts of f*cked up, then I was on vacation. I feel like I'm alive again. The illusion of control is so strange when you're ED'ed. You're sure it's real.

Keira Knightley says she's not anorexic... even though her chest bones are popping out everywhere... and even though she has a family history of it... uh huh.

In some photos, she looks really tiny... others, not so tiny (photos are from, by the way).

Finally, this article bugs me. I don't know why. I think it's because it takes all of the stereotypes about eating disorders and rolls them into one. Also, having 35 inch hips doesn't exclude you from having an ED.


Anonymous said...

while i agree with you that having a waist size of ___ doenst necessarily mean that he/she does NOT have an ED...there are a lot of people out there who just have a ridiculously fast metabolism and i dont think its fair to tag anyone that is thin as anorexic.

Anonymous said...

ps, the comment i just made was completely neutral. i hope no offense was taken in my posting it, just a comment.