Monday, May 29, 2006

Ideals don't exist

I was wasting time on the computer on this hot, sticky Memorial Day afternoon when I came across this photo:

The proverbial light bulb went off in my brain. There is this one photo that is always featured on pro-ana sites of this model from this show. Here's the photo:

I'd seen the photo before. The first time, I didn't look closely. At some point, I heard that the photo was fake, but it didn't occur to me HOW fake until I saw another picture of Colette from the same show. Now that I look at the fake photo, I see how the space between her upper arm and her torso is CLEARLY colored in... also, the photoshopping around her elbow is really obvious... whoever did this did a terrible job. If you're not looking for the forgery, though, you won't notice it.

Oh, and the model's name is Colette Pechekhonova. Apparently, she was really big in the late 90's. There were rumors that she had an ED, but like all rumors, no one knows if they're true.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Believe nothing you hear and only half of what you see. At some point, I'll write out my thoughts about photoshopping, feminism, and consumerism... it's too hot to do that this afternoon.

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