Tuesday, August 15, 2006

No Subject

How am I doing today? I am doing sucky. Yesterday I burned 600 calories at the gym, today I didn't go at all. I am seeing my family in three days, and they're going to notice that I gained weight, which is 1,000,000 times worse than them noticing that I've lost.

At least I haven't binged in two days. Gotta start somewhere. Also, I still haven't started purging, and I do feel proud of that. Once you start purging, it's next to impossible to stop. The thing that cured it for me was moving in with my boyfriend into a two room apartment... no where to binge, no where to purge. Our apartment is bigger and I have more privacy now, but I still haven't started, and I'm happy about that.

Emina Cunmulaj for Micheal Kors Resort 2007

P.S. Someone wanted to know if my hit counter was accurate. I've got somewhere over 6,000 page loads, BUT the counter monitors the number of UNIQUE VISITORS, not the number of PAGE LOADS. I consider counting the number of page loads to be cheating... there was this one (really crappy) site I was on, everytime I clicked on a page and then returned to the home page, I noticed the hit count go up. It drove me crazy to think that I was making the (really crappy) site look more popular than it actually is. I haven't gone back there.

So, there's my random rant for the day!

1 comment:

Bernardo Felipe Martínez Meave said...

For some extrange reason, I find reading your blog a very interesting experience.